Hockey Alberta Residency Regulations


For complete Regulations pertaining to residency, refer to the following sections of the Hockey Canada and Hockey Alberta Bylaws and Regulations book(s):


  • Players (Hockey Canada)
  • Section A – Minor Hockey (Hockey Alberta)
  • Subsection 5. Player Movement


Hockey Canada states that players must play in the Branch where their Parent(s)/court appointed guardian(s) reside. Residency is established by the usual residence of the parent(s) or court appointed guardian(s). “Usual residence” is defined as living at the residence four (4) out of seven (7) days.


It is the responsibility of the accepting Local Minor Hockey Association to verify residency upon application of registration. From the following list, it is recommended to request four (4) items of supporting documentation to verify residency. If there is a cause for suspicion, additional documentation/information may be required, especially if proof of residency has been submitted using items “c”, “g”, and “h”. Renting accommodations, paying utilities, and registering for school in a community can be done without establishing permanent residency.


  1. Driver’s License for Father
  2. Driver’s License for Mother
  3. School registration at a school in or near the residence for the current year
  4. Proof of mail delivery by Canada Post at residence (Box numbers are not acceptable)
  5. Telephone bill for land line service at residence
  6. Cable or Internet bill for service at residence
  7. Utility bill for service at residence
  8. Lease agreement for residence in parent(s) name(s)
  9. Current property tax notice in parent(s) name(s)
  10. Homeowner/Renter’s insurance policy for residence
  11. Void cheque with residence address
  12. Vehicle registration with residence address.
  13. Any other documentation which supports your claim to residency at the address